
The worth man

Pagi ini iseng iseng ngecek twitter, dan ga sengaja baca twit adeknya temen saya ke salah satu temen SMA.

It was a simple question.

Dan yang aneh saya langsung keinget adek saya sendiri yang anti banget sama kegiatan macam itu.

Adek saya adalah seorang anak umur 16 tahun (ketika tulisan ini ditulis). Tinggi, bongsor, dan kulitnya eksotik aka gelap.

Bisa dibilang dia selalu terbayangi kesuksesan masa muda saya dulu yang punya banyak piala karena kegiatan non-akademik, sekolah di sekolah favorit, masuk osis, sempet ranking pertama di kelas, dst dst.

Waktu dia masuk SMA kemarin pun dia nyoba buat masuk ke sekolah saya. Tp karena regulasi yang uda beda dengan waktu saya masuk kemaren, dia gagal. Sempet ngira dia bakal down, karena selama beberapa tahun dia terus ngomong pengen sekolah di sekolahan saya dulu.

Eh tapi karena dasarnya dia adalah orang yang super tenang dan punya pengendalian diri yang kuat. Dia tenang-tenang aja tuh.
Bahkan waktu dia akhirnya dapet sekolah di pilihan ketiga, dia tetep bisa senyum-senyum santai.

Waktu uda masuk sekolah pun dia kelihatan menikmati, ikutan osis, ikutan pencak silat, tapi tetep siap bantuin ibuk kalo disuruh-suruh buat beli sesuatu selarut atau sepagi apapun itu.

Bahkan waktu akhirnya dia dilantik jadi wakil ketua osis, dia sejauh ini tetep ngejaga ibuk saya. Kita emang paling anti kalo ibuk kesepian.

Adek saya ini orang yang manly, sabar banget, tenang banget, dan tau apa yang dia pengen capai. Sisi religiusnya pun sejauh ini berkembang dengan amat baik, bahkan lebih dari saya.

Saya bahkan bisa bilang bahwa dia, secara kepribadian dan kedewasaan, melampaui saya. Dia lebih ramah, lebih sabar, lebih religius, lebih bisa membawa diri, lebih tenang, dst dst. Eh, tapi guyonannya dia juga seru, dan dia bisa mikir dengan cepet dan spontan. Kind of a person I'll fall into, for sure.

Am I envy him? No. I'm glad to know he can make his own way to be happy, to be better than me.

Sisi baiknya aja ya yang saya bilang hahahaa. Ga baik ngomongin jeleknya orang. And I'm always wondering, what kind of woman will deserve him. Hopefully the best.


Punya Banyak Temen? Kenalan? Berbahagialah!!

Saya lagi susun skripsi. Yes! kayak yang lainnya saya juga galau, kalut dan seterusnya seterusnya.

Tapi yang jadi masalah adalah topik yang saya pilih sejauh ini belom pernah dijadikan penelitian di Indonesia. And it's been sooo hard to get any sources about my topic.
Feel depressed? Exactly!

Tapi untungnya saya inget punya kenalan kakak kelas satu angkatan di SMA yang (setau saya) lagi kuliah di Universitas Ohio... Dan minta tolonglah saya ke si mbak itu buat nyariin artikel tentang topik saya.

Si mbak itu ternyata udah pulang ke Indonesia, tapi syukurlah dia masih bisa download beberapa artikel buat saya... *sujud syukur*

Bersyukur? Bangetlaaah!
Tapi sayangnya ada satu artikel (yang kayaknya) maha dan super penting yang belom bisa ke download *sigh*

Eh tapi untungnya saya ga keabisan ide doooong.
Saya inget punya temen bule temen chatting di YM!
Awalnya saya cuma tanya aja, punya temen yang bisa download di situs ERIC ga?
Karena di situs itu yang bisa download cuma membernya aja..

And you know what?
Temen bule saya malah bilang 'I have credit card if you need to pay it'
Hahahaa saya sempet ketawa sih.
'You don't need to be this kind', I said.
Dia bilang, 'It's ok, I'll pay for you'
Dan akhirnya saya minta tolong temen bule saya buat ngeliatin di situs ERIC itu, soalnya saya asli ga yakin artikelnya bisa dibeli.

Sayangnya artikel itu emang ga bisa dibeli, cuma bisa di akses sama membernya aja...
Dan temen bule saya ini akhirnya coba minta tolong temennya buat downloadin..
So kind, really!

Jadi nih ya, buat kalian yang punya banyak temen dan kenalan, berbahagialah!
Masih muda gini, jangan batesin diri buat bergaul sama orang banyak.
Who knows you'll need them, someday :))



November wish

Pengen liburan pake uang yang ditabung dengan susah payah, dikumpulin dikit-dikit.
Mungkin uangnya terbatas, tapi pasti lebih nikmat.

Pernah satu kali saya ngerasain yang kaya gitu, dulu.
Dia ajak saya ke salah satu tempat wisata, jajanin saya, ajak naik berbagai permainan.

Kami sama-sama tak punya uang waktu itu. Kami belum bekerja. Dan waktu saya tanya, dia bilang "aku sengaja nabung buat jalan-jalan bareng kamu".
Terharu rasanya.

And I wish I can taste that kind of feeling, once again.


Sekamar tapi hampir ga pernah ngobrol itu weird ya?

Get Along With My Student

Masih tentang ppl saya di SMP 21 Malang.
Tadi ceritanya ga sengaja dapet kesempatan ngajar di kelas 3, kan sebenernya anak ppl cuma dikasi jatah ngajar anak kelas 1 sama 2 aja.
Gegara guru aslinya sedang kurang sehat, guru ppl deh yang dapet giliran ngajar.

Bukan saya sih sebenernya yang ngajar, tapi alfian.
Saya nemenin dia aja gitu di belakang kelas.
Awalnya rada males gimana gitu, kelas 3 kan rata-rata terkenal berandalannya.

And the story have to go...
Dari yang awalnya males nemenin alfian, malah saya jadi semangat muter dari bangku ke bangku.
Pengen tau, kesulitan ga sih mereka blablabla..

And it turned out to be fun!
Jadi saya keliling ke anak cowok2 yang pada rame di kelas.
Rada saya paksa biar mereka mau nulis soal di papan, dan saya tanyain mereka bisa apa ga.

Some of them said no, and I ask them to hear me explain it, then ask them to try by themselves.

Some of them just laugh, and I pointed one of the question, then 'force' them to answer.
And if they cannot answer, I explained it to them.

Dan ternyata para anak2 yang gayanya preman itu, diajarin dikit juga uda ngerti kok.
Mereka kayaknya cuma kurang perhatian aja.

Mungkin emang yang bener ada 2 guru di kelas, yang satu jelasin, yang satu lagi bantuin muter ke anak2, nanyain mereka ada kesulitan apa ga.

Kalo semua dapet giliran buat diperhatiin gurunya gitu, pasti mereka progress'nya lebih cepet deh.

Tapi ya emang sih, pasti nantinya nambah biaya buat kasi gaji gurunya. Hmmmm. 'Lil bit hard, huh?



Hari ini tanggal 9 Agustus. Baru keinget ayah lahir tanggal 8 Agustus. He should have been 52 years old by yesterday.
And it's been 15 years after he just passed away.
Never called him 'ayah' anymore.
I don't even remember the feeling of having a father.
I was 6 when he passed away.
Was I sad at that time? No. I even laughed.
Never knew I will feel this miserable feeling.
Never know I will be this sad missing him so badly.

Ayah, apa kabar disana?
Do'aku cukupkah untukmu?
Kangen yah.
Aku kangen ayah...
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powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT


Hati yang Baru

"Seseorang yang bijak selalu meyakini kalimat: Tidak semua orang mendapatkan pilihan pertama dalam hidup ini. Tapi kita bisa hidup sama bahagianya dengan mereka, meski hanya mendapatkan pilihan kedua, ketiga, atau bahkan keseratus-satu."

"Sejatinya kalimat bijak itu bukan tentang urutan-urutan, tentang nomor-nomor, tentang perbandingan-perbandingan. Sejatinya kalimat bijak itu tentang: Kita semua berkesempatan menjadikan pilihan kita selalu menjadi "pilihan yang pertama". Hanya masalahnya kita mau atau tidak. Kita bersedia atau tidak. Itu saja."

--Tere Liye--

Mungkin saya hanya pengganti sebagian hatinya yang telah rusak, karena alasan tertentu. Mungkin saya juga hanya pilihan yang kesekian. Tapi toh saya tetap berhak bahagia dan tetap akan bisa bahagia, dengannya, pilihan pertama saya...


They are absolutely CUTE!

7th semester, new challenges are just waiting!
And now I got my chance to have internship program :)
Lucky me I got a great place to do my internship program, and it was SMPN 21 Malang :D

Gurunya asik, ramah, baik. Muridnya juga cantik, ganteng, pinter :)
A perfect place? Yes! A nice students? Not really :|

Jadi ceritanya saya dapet kesempatan pegang kelas 8-8 gitu. Guru pamong saya kasi kesempatan buat masing-masing kelas pilih guru PPL yang ngajar mereka, and they chose me! Yey! :D

First impression, hmmm, nice class :)
Tapi ada salah satu murid cantik yang ga bawa buku dan pinjem buku saya, saya pinjemin ajalah. Eh, taunya anak yang ga bawa buku biasany dapet hukuman :| saya gatau sih, langsung berasa ga adil :|

Hari pertama ngajar kemaren tanggal 27 Juli 2012, hari Jumat, jam 1-2.
Sempet nervous, tangan dingin gitu deh. Untungnya 2 temen PPL, Pak Alfian sama Pak Satria, mau saya ajakin nemenin ngajar :D
And at the end of my teaching, Alfian said I should have be firmer.
Ok then, the point grasped!

Berawal dari pengalaman hari pertama, I have kind of high expectation to my students.
Kesalahannya adalah saya ga berpikir ulang kalo saya bakal ngajar di jam terakhir pas hari Rabu tanggal 1 Agustus 2012 kemarin.
Dan menjadi liarlah mereka. Gimana lagi, pas puasaan, jam terakhir pula. 'Pengen cepet pulang' aja pasti yang ada di otak :|
Parahnya saya sama sekali ga nyiapin games buat narik perhatianny mereka, daaaan rusaklah suasana :D
Catatan pentingnya adalah, siapin games sebanyak mungkin kalo ngajar di jam terakhir.

Ngajar hari selanjutnya cuma 1 jam pelajaran, 30 menit kalo itungan jam puasa. Ga ngapa2in deh, I just explained them about our new reward rule :)
Anak-anak lumayan excited sih, tapi tetep aja belom tau cari ngendaliin tenaga mereka yang berlebih buat ngobrol itu -_________-

Hari Jumat saya dapet kesempatan ngajar di jam 1-2. Enak! Masih fresh, belom terlalu mikirin pulang, dll :)
Saya ajakin bahas soal aja deh, sekalian memberlakukan new reward rule ;)
Dan juga maen "spelling bee" :D
Awalny seru banget,  tapi berakhir dengan frustasinya anak2 karena ga berhasil nebak spelling yang bener hahahaa :D

They are really cute to the bone!!! :D


A Little Memory

this afternoon, i'm happened to remember a small scene of my life.
it was about me and my boyfriend,
we had a quarrel, i dont even remember the problem now, but after a while having a quarrel via cellphone, he decided to go to my boarding house

i was so scared at that time, i turned my head down, i didn't wanna see his eyes
but he smile, holding my hand and bought me an ice cream
he continue holding my hand, lead me to take a walk for a while around small path near my boarding house
i continued to turned my head down and hold my tears.

then he ask me to sit down in a terrace of a closed-shop near my boarding house
i cried alot there, he sit still, watching me crying and enjoying his ice cream
he just wait me finishing my tears, without saying anything, it means alot like "i'll be here still" :)
he waited till i finished and ask "why you cry?"
and i was stupidly crying again :D
i love him :)

his expression at that time is just running around my mind :))


Jaman Extra Kepo Kuadrat

Pagi ini ngecek twitter dan ada twit dari Dynni yang bikin inget masa lalu.
Jadi pernah nih pas jamannya lagi kepo banget, bukan deh, extra kepo kuadrat, kita nangis2 ga ngebolehin kakak tingkat kita pacaran sama adek tingkat. Apa banget coba -_-

Pertama kenal semua tokoh dalam ke-kepoan itu gara gara kita sama sama ikut OSIS. Duh malu banget nih sebenernya diceritain, tapi yaudalah, biar jadi memento di masa tua #tsaah.

Waktu itu kita kelas dua. Emm, lagi baru naik kelas gitu sih. Lagi happening banget anak kelas 1 SMA yang baru masuk. Kita lumayan terkenal tuh kayaknya waktu itu. Soalnya kita yang pegang MOSnya anak kelas 1. Nah, tersangka utama di sini adalah ketua OSISnya. Let's say he had a crush with a new girl. Ga masalah sih ya sebenernya. Tapi bagi kita (saya, dynni, getha) mas ketua OSIS (Ketos )ini deserve someone better than her. 

Yang salah si getha ini kayaknya. Dia yang ngompor2in gitu dulu, soalnya si getha ini dulu kakak kelasnya si anak yang jadi crush'ny mas Ketos waktu masih di SMP. Nah, berbekal cerita random dari getha itu, kita ngambek deh ke mas Ketos.

And you know what? Yang paling menjijikkan adalah suatu kali kita pernah kumpul berlima di SO (Sekretariat OSIS) buat bahas 'betapa tidak pantasnya mas Ketos jadian sama adek kelas dan don't try to going out with her or we'll hate you'. Kepo banget kan?
masih inget banget dulu yang ada di ruangan itu cuma saya, dynni, getha, Mas Ketos sama Mas Ian. 

Kita marah-marah banget deh waktu itu, kita jelek-jelekin si adek baru itu. Sampe nangis lho. SAMPE NANGIS!!!! Gila emang. Ababil tingkat dewa. Satu-satunya yang masih waras cuma Mas Ian. Mas Ketos akhirnya keluar dari ruangan sambil banting pintu. Dan Mas Ian yang nenangin kita. Kita duduk di samping mas Ian gitu, nyender, di belai-belai, di omongin baik-baik kalo kita uda salah neken mas Ketos kayak gitu. Berasa adek kakak yang keluar dari rahim yang sama deh pokoknya.

Sumpah malu sendiri kalo inget jaman dulu. Cuma denger dari satu mulut aja uda berani kayak gitu. Padahal kita dulu belom kenal secara deket sama adek kelas itu. *sigh*
Dan akhirnya, kita malah jadi deket sama si adek kelas gara gara dia ikutan OSIS juga.
Hmmmm. What a life ya?

Segila apapun jaman itu, setidaknya saya masih bisa ketawa kalo inget yang dulu dulu :D
Maafin ye mas Ketos :))
Can hold my smile, you know ;)


sajak hati kecil

banyak hal yang tak terkata
dan kau berharap dia mendengarnya?
hahaaa kau kira dia ilusionis? kau kira dia dukun?
tak kan bisa dia tau bila tak kau katakan
lalu kau berharap kepekaan pada hari kelabumu?
hey, tak hanya kau yang punya masalah
katamu dia egois, apa telah kau pikir apa yang ada di benaknya?
bangun anak manja!
hidup mengajarimu berbagai hal lewat tiap masalah yang menghadang
tak juga habiskah keluh kesahmu?
sakit hati? sembuhkan sakit hatimu sendiri
sebab tak ada yang peduli
dan kau berharap belas kasihan pada sosok itu?
cih! mereka sedang mendongak, dan kau terlalu berjarak
diam sajalah kau disini
tunggu sajalah kesempatanmu
belajarlah dari mereka di sekelilingmu
pilihlah yang bagus, buanglah yang buruk


My Comforter, My Werewolf

the one I think of
Mmm, gatau gimana mulainya.
Foto digambar itu adalah foto orang yang mendampingi saya belakangan ini.
Gantengkah? Jelekkah? Well, I don't care what you are thinking.
But, all I know is he is the best for me.

Namanya Panji Witoko. Tipikal orang yang bisa bikin orang ketawa pas pertama kali ketemu. Tipikal orang yang bisa mencairkan suasana. Orang yang ga akan menunjukkan seberapa bingung atau kalutnya dia dihadapan orang lain, kecuali bener-bener terpaksa. Dia ini juga orang yang saya sadari bisa amat sangat lembut, murah hati, penyabar tapi bisa juga langsung berubah jadi orang yang keras, gamau dengerin orang lain, kasar, pemarah.

Masih sama, mikirin apa yang uda saya lewatin bareng orang ini selalu aja bikin saya senyum. But, once a while when we have a quarrel, hmmm, i don't even interested in eating anything and it will be hard for me even to sleep. Iya sih lebay emang kelihatannya ya, alay. Tapi emang kenyataannya gitu sih.

And you know what, that picture I show you was taken on November 27 2010. It's been a while ternyata. Tapi dia masih sama, masih buku yang ga bisa habis saya baca.

Dengan perumpamaan bahwa dia adalah buku, mungkin bisa di bilang saya baca buku itu langsung di halaman tengahnya. Dan seiring saya membaca buku itu, kadang ceritanya meminta saya untuk kembali ke halaman awal dan membaca sedikit cerita disana, sebelum akhirnya kembali ke halaman tengah yang belum habis juga saya baca. It's like, I didn't  know what happen to him in the past, and I don't even know what will happen to him in the future.

Kemarin waktu liat film India yang judulnya "I Hate Love Story", saya nemu kutipan yang bagus, kira-kira kayak gini, 'Jodoh itu kayak bis, satu pergi yang lainnya datang. Tapi diantara semua bis itu, cuma satu yang bisa nganter kamu pulang. Dan kamu ga boleh kehilangan bis itu karena bis lainnya ga berguna, cuma satu bis itu aja yang penting'

Sometimes he said that I'm too possessive. Maybe he just right, I myself is typically a person who often think too much. Too worried, and others bad 'too'. I myself realize that there are so many things i have to make up. 

To my comforter, so sorry if I cannot be your perfect comforter yet.
Cepet sembuh sayaaaang :)

my werewolf and me - December 5 2010

sleep over in a train

Kami punya banyak panggilan satu sama lain. Kadang saya panggil dia werewolf. Kenapa? Karena dia, gatau gimana, badannya hangat terus menerus. Pernah suatu kali tangan saya uda dingin banget gitu, eh tangan dia malah anget banget. He is a warmth.

Bagi saya, dia rumah kedua. Dia bikin saya nyaman, dia bikin saya ngerasa aman. Dia bikin saya ketawa, dia bikin saya nangis, dia bikin saya cemberut, dia bikin saya jadi lebih pemberani, dia ajarin saya cara kontrol emosi, cara jadi orang santai tapi tetep waspada. 

He is the one I tell both happiness and sadness...

Should I say it? I love him, indeed :)



"Weird is when you cry and you don't have any idea why you are crying."

But, maybe for someone like me, crying is just a way to let anything sad go away from my heart. Crying is when I cannot make myself strong anymore. Cry is when I try to have a new self defend for this mean world.

Perhaps for some people cry is just a sign of how weak we are. But you know, i don't care. Cz when I cry, I feel a bit relieved. Do I need someone to hear me? Maybe yes. But when I be this crying-a-river-woman, what I need is a time to be alone. Or a shoulder to cry maybe hahahaa

Maafkan saya nyampah

A month to go. Just a month. Need to lay my head on his shoulder and cry. No no, maybe actually what I need is just my mom.
This month is exactly so hard to pass. Soooo many things wait me, they want to tear me apart a guess hahahaa

It start from a job that i expect to much.
In short, I join a ghost writer or something like that. I did hard work in my holiday for it. And you know what, he, the owner, don't pay me yet till now.
I gave him a trust, but I fell. Maybe that's easy for you to say something like "let it go", but hey! I worked! I didn't do that work for charity or something like that.
So I want my salary to be paid.
It's so sad, you know. Almost everyday I slept in the midnite just to finish my work, but you see, that owner is just suck!

The second thing is about my internship program. So many things happened, irresponsible friends, uncooperative team, and things like that.
Then in the night when I need my bf, he has been tired of everyday working or he has a plan to go out with his friends.
OK, then. Let me manage myself :)
God gives me time not to relay on anyone.
Oh God, I miss my mom so bad :))


Review Poconggg Juga Pocong

Uda lumayan lama ga nonton film Indonesia. Makah uda ga inget juga sih kapan terakhir kali nonton. It's been a long time. Dan akhirnya kemarin lusa dan barusan ini saya nonton lagi :D
Judulnya Poconggg Juga Pocong sama Republik Twitter.

Pengen ngreview Poconggg Juga Pocong dulu ajalah. Republik Twitternya tar dulu yee.
Sebenernya uda telat banget sih ya. Uda pengen nonton dari dulu tapi gatau kenapa baru nonton sekarang.
It was a nice movie. Temen sekamar saya bilang film itu lucu banget banget, dia nonton sampe perutnya sakit gitu. Tapi saya nontonnya kok malah sedih ya? -_____-

Jadi ceritanya ada dua orang sahabatan, namanya dimas sama shela/sheila ya gitu deh, pokok pronounce'nya shila. Mereka sahabatan uda dari awal SMA gitu, lama2 mulai ngerasa suka gitu deh. Singkat cerita pas Dimas lagi nembak Sheila di mobil, mereka kecelakaan dan Dimas meninggal.

And the story begin.
Dimas jadi Pocong. Yang perlu diperhatikan, poconggg itu namanya, pocong itu spesiesnya :D
Si dimas yang uda jadi pocong ini masih belum lega karena Sheila belum bener2 tau kalo dia suka sama Sheila. Di tengah galaunya dia mikirin cara buat bikin Sheila tau perasaannya, si Dimas ini juga lagi ada masalah di dunia perpocongan.
Dia dianggap cemen gitu deh sama pocong yang lain gegara dia ga bisa nakut2in manusia :D

Lanjutannya nonton sendiri  deh ya. Bagi saya sih film ini garis besarnya sedih, tapi ada bumbu lucunya gitu. Malah saya uda pengen nangis aja pas adegan terakhirnya hahaa
Yang belum liat, cepet nonton gih.
yang uda liat dan ga setuju sama saya, monggo lah tinggalin komen :)

Pembaca yang baik selalu meninggalkan jejak :))



Well, I'm in my holiday from May 16 until July 2.
Is that long? No. Actually I should get my holiday till August 27 if I don't have any internship program. But, that's long enough to be enjoyed of course :D

So, I tried to spend my holiday well absolutely.
Like in May 16, I went to Balikpapan-East Borneo to pick up my boyfriend. It was kind of long journey cause that was my first flight, and I was alone -_____-
But that was fun! Like trying to pretend as if I've had many flight before (thanks to Lita) :D

I was so glad can meet him after 4 months *_*
How many days I spend there? Of course just a day :D
I and my boyfriend had a flight back to Juanda at 8.30 pm BUT it was delayed till 2 am in the next day. Oh, MAAANNN!!!
But thanks God I could landed safely :)
No pics sorry :P

Then guys, do you know Lawang Sewu? Sam Poo Kong?
I just went there yesterday! :D
Yes! I went to Semarang with my Mom and brother.
It was also really fun!
Let me show off the pics :D

it was me, my lil brother, and my cousins

the lawang sewu's doors - a nice spot to take a shoot

the only lady was me ;)

my mom and my aunty :)))

me - trying a costume - but not good in me :(

china? hongkong? no. semarang :)

nice, right?
Make a time for you to get there, pals!
Those are great places to visit :)



Uda lama banget ga ngpost. Many things happen, of course.
Jadi ceritanya, saya berhasil nyelesain tugas-tugas bejibun yang saya ceritain di post sebelumnya! *head up high
Tapi nih ya, sebelum sah dapet liburan, ada dua performance yang harus dilakuin.
Yang pertama DRAMA. Salah satu mata kuliah di semester ini emang Basic Analysis of Drama, dan dosen saya minta di akhir semester setiap orang tampil drama gitu.
Sempet bingung, sebel waktu latian. Maklum sih, amatiran semua :D
Judul drama dari kelompok saya "The Road House in the Arden", genrenya komedi.
Kalo minat bisa diliat di youtube.
Di drama itu saya jadi Miss Immortality, cewek yang jadi rebutan antara William Shakespeare sama Francis Bacon (iya, emang belagu banget kesannya direbutin sama orang terkenal).
Let me show you my picture
drama class

bareng sama yang lain

all cast

cleopatra - hamlet - robin

shakespeare - immortality - bacon
Jadi dramanya itu hari Selasa, 8 Mei 2012. Besoknya, tanggal 9 Mei 2012 ada satu pentas lagi buat mata kuliah CCU (Cross Cultural Understanding). Sumpah berasa artis aja -____________-
Buat mata kuliah itu dosennya minta buat nampilin hal-hal yang berhubungan sama budaya.
Trus akhirnya diputusin buat nampilin parade permainan tradisional ala Jawa. Kayak lompat tali, kelereng, bekelan, dll.
beautiful, isn't it?
And, after all of that stuff, I can proudly say that now I'm in a HOLIDAY!!!!



Something weird happens
So, now I'm in the middle of many things to do.
And I dont know why, it makes me cannot feel anything.
What I mean is that if something should make me angry, I just feel flat,
I actually a person who easily can go upset!
Is it a good sign or a bad sign?

Tired of these things already ...


Foto Orang Nikah

Abis liat foto orang nikah yang di share di grup FB. Langsung berasa kayak "kapan ya giliranku?"
Gak lah. Ini bukan tentang ngebet pengen nikah ato gimana, cuma mulai ngerasa kalo hidup itu terus ngalir ga berasa dan tiba-tiba kita uda ada di titik ini, ngeliat anak-anak SD, SMP, SMA kesannya mereka alay banget.
Liat guru-guru SMA uda pada ganti, liat artis-artis di tivi ternyata seumuran kita, liat temen-temen uda pada berhasil, dll.
Tiba-tiba sadar bahwa sekarang waktunya angkatan kita yang 'megang', yang berjaya, yang .. ah udahlah.

Jadi, apa sih yang uda kita lakuin?
Uda kerjakah? Punya usaha sendirikah? Masi cengeng kah? Masi sering bersikap kayak drama quenn kah?



I've been trying to be positive thinking. And at last I feel like I have been succeeded. BUT this night I just feel like there is NO NEED to be positive thinking.

Then, one of my besties called me. And I was just like bursting about many things that crossed my mind. About him, about having two cell phone, about marriage, about egoistic, graduation day, and many things.

She is the one that always can calm me down with her own way which is absolutely different with myself. And I just crying listening her giving  me many advises. Because deep down inside, I know that she was right, that what she said is really make sense.

And now I feel like worried :(
It was terrible that I cannot tell what is crossing my mind :(
Waiting for the time when I can meet him, or at least can HE read this post.
*the first possibility is 1000000000000% bigger than the second one



Just want to make you remember.
We really have to be careful with the word so called PLAGIARISM.

Just now I visit a blog of a teenager I know (sorry, no clue!).

It is nice knowing a teenager starts to write, because as you know, Indonesia needs many writers and readers to be better.
However, I was so sad knowing some of his/her writing is not purely written by him/herself.
Some is just copying from others without including the real author's name, or at least giving the source of the data. Another sad thing is that he/she gave their name in the end of post so that it seems like it made by themselves.

How can I know that it was a copy paste? Because I read and know that post like a thousand times and they just like put "BY BLABLABLA". Does it sound weird for you?

It is sad to realize many teenager do no know yet that they have to avoid those kind of things :(


The Pressure and The Joy for being a YOUTH

Well, I'm in the very end of sixth semester.
There are soooooooo many assignmentsss, final projects, presentations and so on which are waiting for me to be taken care -_____________-

Let me have a list of that stuff:

  • Cross Cultural Understanding: final project is in progress, its 10% done, due date will be on April 30, 2012
  • Basic Poetry Studies: there will be final exam in the form of analyzing poem. seems like the due date will be on May 14, 2012
  • Basic Analysis of Drama: there will be drama performance on May 7, 2012. And I'm not memorized the script yet
  • Thesis Proposal Seminar: the thesis proposal has to be submitted on the May 10, 2012. still 5% done
  • Syntax: the final exam will be on May 15, 2012
  • Classroom management: the final paper have to be submitted on May 1, 2012
  • Languange Assessment Development: there are still like 100 questions need to be created. The due is on  May 15, 2012
  • Coursebook Evaluation: the final paper+presentation are 90% done. the due date will be on May (dont know the absolute date)
  • English for Spesific Purposes: ga jelas
  • Filsafat Ilmu Budaya: hope there will be no final exam :(
  • Gender and ELT: don't know yet what will be happened 

Yes! Those things are pressuring me lately. And it's will be happened until the very date of May 15, I suppose.

But, let's just struggle to survive! Even my life is on shuffle, even this acnes is soo annoying (lhoh?)
Ok ok. Seems like I'm blubbering :D

Accidentaly remember a nice thing :D
There is a (what is it called?!) let's say a small wall builded up with the identity of my faculty on it.
The front side is written "Fakultas Sastra", and in the back side written "Cerita Segala Rasa".
It is sooo nice and I've taken picture there! *giggles*
Here is my pictures with some of my college friends :)

Nice, yes? :D


I am a BAD person

Do I have besties?
This thinking struck my mind. My life is not so briliant, my study, my work, all is just so so..
Sahabat itu apa?
Orang2 yang kemana2 selalu bareng kita? Yang tiap hari kita ceritain hal2 yang terjadi sama kita?
Is that so? Sempit banget pengertiannya. Kalo uda sering ga bareng, pasti lepas deh tuh sahabat.

I am galauing my self, I think.
I dont feel satisfied with my life. i dont feel happy with what i've done.
but how should i change all of this? it's so damn complicated. i cannot just turn around. it is not a game, it is a LIFE!!!


then, when i look around, people in my age are soooo freakingly success. they've done this, they achieve that. but why i'm not? hash! to much blubbering, i guess. too much planning but doing nothing. too much care with my own feeling. too much emotional.

I'm freakingly a bad person :(


Walk off the Earth

Have you heard something about 'Walk Off The Earth' guys?
Poor you, if you do not hear anything yet!
Well, what can I say about this group instead of a 'WOW' and AMAZING!!!!
It is because they really are amazing!

You can check their music in this following link

Bet you will be amazed with their skill, too!


This is for him, even he will never read it

When I was in Senior High School, I have some best friends (yes, those who the photos just uploaded).
I was soo happy having them in my life. It was a strong friendship. It was tied up with laugh and tears. It was perfect. Everybody could be whatever they wanted to be. They could be them selves.

I always miss many things left behind.

However, time flies, people change. Yes. people change much!
We just busy with our self gradually. We just cannot handle to meet each other in a period of time.
It was sad. Sometimes I feel so bad.

Then now, one of them, people who I love so deeply with my heart, state that he does not want to be with us again. That he just want to get away from us.

Hey Mr. Perfect! You freakingly do not need to do that!
Don't you see that we rarely meet each other? Don't you see that we seldom text each other just to say 'hello'? Why you being so sensitive? We do not even talk about you when you were not around. There is no need to talk about your weaknees or bad things about others, when we just rarely can laugh together.

Oh, My! I hate you while I miss you as well!
Missing time when we laughed, missing when got a bad quarrel, missing when we cried after a long story we had.

Would you please to come back, pal?
I do not care about your life, but just come back. Just came back :((


Something Called Friendship

As you know, in the very beginning of April, we have a long holiday. It was from April 6-8 :D
I was sooo interesting 'cause I have a plan to hang out with my besties :))
Thanks a lot to Bejo who has treated us to have free dinnner and sings in Inul Vista :)
You know, almost every single thing which related to close friends and somethings for free is always fun. And it was indeed fun!

edisi lengkap peserta makan gratis 

f3, mali, riho, gethuk, bejo, duwik, mamam, me :)

We planned to meet at Es Teller 77 in my hown town at 6.30 pm. Unfortunately, my friends did not have a good sense of being in/on time so that, as you all can guess, they just came very late (including me)! :D
When I arrived there, it was 6.45 if I'm not mistaken, and you know what, in that reserved-tables, there was just Bejo alone! -___________-

the girls, minus duwik

My friends started to gather around 7 pm. And all of the guests finally came at 7.30 pm. Oh, My!
I do not want to generalize or something like that, but that was really too much! What a jam karet, huh!

girls, minus nhox 
 It was really fun! We have a dinner 'till almost 9 pm. We really had quality time, even it did not personally having a good quality. We could laugh together , at least. And I'm happy :)

duwik should wear red costume as well, i guess :D

You need to know, friends, that I love you, that you are an important part of my live :)) :*


Segala Sisi

Sering denger kata-kata "jangan-jangan ada banyak peluang di pintu lain, sementara kita terlalu lama merenungi pintu yang telah menolak kita"..

It really happens in our life actually. Terlalu lama melihat ke sebelah kanan, padahal banyak hal baik di sebelah kiri kita. 

Ada satu cerita dari liburan minggu lalu. Ceritanya saya mau beli kerudung paris di toko yang ada di kanan jalan; karena tau bahwa tokonya ada di kanan jalan, dari jauh saya sudah menatap ke arah kanan (arah selatan), ke toko tujuan. Dapet sih kerudung yang saya pengen, dengan harga IDR 14.000. Setelah pulang dan putar balik ke arah yang tadi saya lewati, saya kaget karena ternyata ada sebuah mobil yang sedang obral jilbab paris dengan harga IDR 10.000 di utara jalan. Saya ngapain aja tadi ya, kok bisa-bisanya ga ngeliat mobil itu tadi. Sedikit menyesal, andai saja pandangan saya balance, ga cuma liat ke kanan, tapi juga ke kiri jalan. Hmmmmm.

Ada lagi satu kalimat yang muncul dari pengalaman saya di kamar mandi tadi pagi. "Kadang kita merasa terlalu nyaman dan aman dengan lingkungan di sekitar kita, padahal, jika kita liat ke arah atas, mungkin saja ada bahaya yang mengancam. Liat sekelilingmu!"

tadi pagi waktu mau mandi, saya iseng ngeliat ke atas, ke plafon kamar mandi, dan kaget sebab di sana ada sarang laba-laba yang lumayan besar. Saya sudah bertahun-tahun tinggal di rumah itu, dan tidak pernah melihat sarang itu. It feels like I don't bother myself to check things around me. Hmmmmm.
Padahal bahaya mengancam. 

Sekali lagi, liat sekelilingmu. Do not stuck just in one direction! Do not feel too comfort with what you have!


A Man Who Can't be Moved

Well, i just found a song which is very deeply cross my heart.
This actually doesn't have nothing to do with my love story and so on.
But, when I listen to this song and comprehend the lyric, I just feel like 'Oh My! this is sooo saaad' :(

The tittle is A Man Who Can't be Moved by the Script.
Here is the lyric I got from azlyric,

Going Back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag I'm not gonna move
Got some words on cardboard, got your picture in my hand
Saying, "If you see this girl can you tell her where I am? "

Some try to hand me money, they don't understand
I'm not broke I'm just a broken hearted man
I know it makes no sense but what else can I do
How can I move on when I'm still in love with you

'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinkin maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on the corner of the street
So I'm not moving, I'm not moving

Policeman says, "Son you can't stay here"
I said, "There's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year"
Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows
If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go

'Cause If one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on our corner of the street
So I'm not moving, I'm not moving,
I'm not moving, I'm not moving

People talk about the guy that's waiting on a girl
There are no holes in his shoes but a big hole in his world

Maybe I'll get famous as the man who can't be moved
Maybe you won't mean to but you'll see me on the news
And you'll come running to the corner
'Cause you'll know it's just for you
I'm the man who can't be moved

[Chorus 2x]

Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag, I'm not gonna move

I know this song from NYUNYU where Arief Mohammad a.k.a Poconggg sang that song :)
that was very nice and I'm in love with this song...


Broken-hearted: Betrayal

"Well, you know, he never say NO to me. He tries his best to make anything I want become true!"
"But he, my own boyfriend, hardly say YES to what I want. He dissapointed me a lot!"

I'm having three sad love stories and those are the sentence I exactly got from two of the stories.
It makes me wonder, is that LOVE if someone you like never say NO to you? Can you measure it just because someone always YES to all that you want?

It is all about betrayal. And having someone betray you is so bad. Freakingly Bad!
Do not even try it. DO NOT EVEN TRY IT !!!

It was once happen on me, and it seems last forever.
And now, having someone else told me their stories, it hurts! Deeply hurt me :((
I'm sooooo UPSET !


Listen, with your heart!

Would you please kindly listen my story with your heart?
I feel so bad when I recall it and you don't even remember anything :(
In case I thought you were very excited with my story :(
Please, listen to me, with your heart or better just say you do not want to listen my story :(
Then, I will leave.
I'm surely will leave :((


Review of The Blogger's New Look

the dasbor of the new blogger's look
Well, this is the first post after I upgrade my blog into the up-date one. :)
Little bit confused at first (some part is still confusing for me for now on) with the setting, where is that thing? where are those things? and many others stupidity. :D

Today I also change my blogger template, and because of my green-state, it took me a half day to get to know how to change the template. -_______-
Thanks God it works, at last! *grin*

Hmmm, but the foolest thing was just happened!
The chronology was like this,
- go to my blog
- scrolling up and down, evaluating my new template
- think that I need to change something
- search for the home button, but couldn't find it
- get confused
- search again in the brand new template
- get confused again
- think that maybe it can be accessed from G+
- go to G+ and don't know what to do
- being a fool
- being a fool
- yes! I was being a fool
- then, I got idea to go to www.blogger.com
- AND I MAKE IT, FINALLY!!! hahahhaahaa :D

Thanks, God :))

So, for you, friends, please do not make a fool like me :)
it was freaking annoying, even to yourself!
Trust me! :D


Feel Like Dangerous

well, I do not why, but I feel I'm in the state of PMS.
it feels that whatever topic I try to develop in a conversation, it will just fail and that person get angry to me.
seems like it will be better if I stay away from people 'till my mood change.

but, how if the problem is in that person who always catch my wrong in every conversation we have?
seem I'm always wrong :((


The Influence of Break-dance in Indonesian Culture

Nowadays, many young people love to dance. At a glance, we can get the evidence from the increasing number of girl-bands and boy-bands in Indonesia. They entertain the society not only with their voices, but also with their dances. The dances they present in their performance are mostly a modern dance which is absolutely not a part of Indonesian culture. Furthermore, in society there are also an increasing number of modern dance communities, especially for the break-dance. An example can be taken from Kediri Regency, which is considered as a small country, there are more than three break-dance communities in that regency. However, there is a tendency that the increasing number of break-dance communities will displace the Indonesian dance. Therefore, in this paper, which is based on short observation, we will discuss more about the influence of break-dance and its position toward Indonesian traditional-new creation dance.

First, we will talk about what break dance is and where it came from. Based on Microsoftᆴ Encartaᆴ 2009, break dance is an acrobatic style of solo dancing to rap music, typically involving spinning of the body on the ground. Moreover, break dance is actually a branch of hip-hop which came from Bronx, a city in United States. In addition, based on the writer's interview with a break dance community, the person who does the break dance is called b-boy. The writer does not want to be sexist, but it is really called b-boy, even you are female. Moreover, those people who are interested to become a b-boy usually will gather in a community and have a self study of how to dance the break-dance appropriately among friends. An example can be taken from Kediri Rocking Reborn community in Kediri regency that the writer happened to have a chance to interview and observe them. This community is gathered every weekend in a public place called Simpang Lima Gumul Monument to learn together about the newest break-dance technique. They start to do the exercises and practice around 4 P.M but mostly other members usually come around 5 P.M. Furthermore, the members are varies from a little boy in the age of nine until young men in the age around 20 years old. Although this community is dominated with male, there are also some young women as the member of the community. From this short observation, we can simply think that this community offers freedom to the members. The only one thing which makes them become unite is the feeling of loving break-dance, perhaps.

Next, let us talk about Indonesian traditional-new creation dance. Based on Microsoftᆴ Encartaᆴ 2009, traditional means relating or based on the tradition. Therefore, the traditional-new creation dance here means the new creations of the Indonesian traditional dance. It means that there are artists making a new dance based on the traditional dance movement. The different between the new creation dances with the modern dances is that the traditional-new creation dances still use the traditional dance as the main sources of making new dances. Moreover, not only break-dance community, here the writer also have a short observation to the group of people who learned traditional-new creation dance in Kediri regency. It is a dance club named Sanggar Tari Kembang Sore in Kediri Regency. This dance club exercises every Sunday from 7.30 A.M to 5.30 P.M in a village public building. Furthermore, this dance club which is dominated with female students varies from the age of 3 to the age of 30 years old. It is also classified into some classes based on the age so that the students can learn better. The good thing in this dance club is that the students are having opportunity to become a dance trainer if they can pass a trainer examination held in Yogyakarta every period of time. The objective of holding this examination is to make traditional-new creation dance can be spread out faster and wider.

Moreover, in the correlation of modern break-dance with traditional-new creation dance is that the modern break-dance though it is something new which can enrich the Indonesian culture, it also makes the Indonesian dance, in this case of traditional-new creation dance, displaced. Furthermore, as an English language learner who has to learn the English culture, the phenomena of the increasing number of b-boy and break-dance communities happened in the society make the writer easier to experience a part of western culture. However, as a future language teacher, who has to introduce English culture whilst keeping the Indonesian culture stay alive, it will be hard to make the students aware of the important point of saving Indonesian heritage. It is because the media leads the young generation to think that modern break-dance is cooler than traditional-new creation dance. Furthermore, the hardest thing is to make the students' hearts move to keep Indonesian dance stays alive and not only regret and get angry when other countries claim Indonesian dance as them.
In addition, the influence of western culture in the form of modern break-dance in the society will make the foreigners who come to Indonesia cannot see clearly the Indonesian dance as a part of the Indonesian society. Then, there will be some confusion because the traditional and traditional-new creation dances will no longer able to represent Indonesian culture but just represents Indonesian life in the past time. Moreover, that is why the increasing population of modern break-dance communities is quite dangerous for Indonesian culture. As we know, the entertainment television programs nowadays are always looking forward to what is happening in the western country. An example can be taken from television programs which often show the modern break-dance performances; and it unconsciously helps the modern-break dance appears to be the coolest thing to be followed and learned. However, they forget to dig out what is good in our own country so that the great Indonesian dance is just buried away.

Then, the result for Indonesian society is that they will know the western culture better. Nevertheless, if we look further, we will see that actually learning traditional dance has many advantages such as the dancer will be more patient because when we dance a traditional or traditional-new creation dance, our soul will be in the peace state which is the same as we do a meditation. Not only make the soul become more peaceful, Kusumo (2004) as stated in Allo (2009) said that dancing used to be part of the education of an ideal character. In addition, for the Javanese, an ideal character would be one who can handle his emotion by having total control of his body movement and pattern of behavior. In the interpersonal relationship, the ideal character would always let the other person take the initiative, almost totally passive and be easily embarrassed if acted outside the norm.

Moreover, as a solution of the increasing number of modern break-dance community, it will be good if the media give more chance for the traditional and traditional-new creation dances to perform. It is because the writer considers the media as a powerful tool to lead the society into particular way of thinking. In addition, that will be good if there are more websites which explains and discuss about Indonesian traditional and traditional-new creation dance. The reason is nowadays there is just a few websites or blogs which discuss about Indonesian traditional and traditional-new creation dances so that the society finds difficulties when they want to know more about their own dances. Next, the government also has to facilitate and support the dancers to develop their skill. The facilitation and support can be in the form of holding traditional and traditional-new creation dance competition regularly with the nice reward for the winner; giving convenient place to practice; giving a set of gamelan and sound systems needed; and etcetera. Furthermore, if the advice is run well, hopefully the society will give more attention to the traditional and traditional-new creation dance, and want to learn it so that the Indonesian heritage can be keep safely.
In short, after knowing the origin of modern break-dance and traditional new-creation dance, we have a better knowledge of the position of modern break-dance in the Indonesian culture. Moreover, although it is good to have something new in our culture such as modern break-dance, it should not displace the Indonesian traditional and traditional-new creation dances. Furthermore, the media which is considered as the powerful tool to lead the society into a particular way of thinking should help the Indonesian dances to stay alive such as give the bigger portion for the traditional and traditional-new creation dances to perform than the modern break-dance. In addition, the government should give facilitation and support to the traditional and traditional-new creation dancers. Not only that, there should be more websites and blogs which discuss about Indonesian culture, especially traditional and traditional-new creation dances so that the society will get enough information when they want to know more about traditional and traditional-new creation dances. Thus, to avoid the confusion when Indonesian dances cannot represent the Indonesian society anymore; let us learn how to dance the Indonesian dance!

Katherina Allo. 2009. Soul Searching - Shall We Dance? Tangerang: Pelita Harapan University
Microsoftᆴ Encartaᆴ 2009. ᄅ 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation.


Cinta Pertama Saya

Di masa SMA saya, ada seorang remaja yang dipandang dewasa oleh para teman sebaya saya. Jika hanya sekilas saja melihat pemuda itu, pasti yang terlintas hanya sifatnya yang ndagel dan nglejing. Mungkin bisa dibilang bahwa pemuda itu adalah pemuka geng di sekolah saya. :D

Suatu ketika, tanpa saya sadari, I got crush on him. Alasannya simpel, dia merautkan pensil saya tanpa diminta, tanpa mengharapkan terima kasih. Ya. terjadi begitu saja, saya tercenung memandangi pensil dan cater karena tidak pernah bisa meraut menggunakan cater, dia merebut pensil dan cater dari tangan saya, merautkannya, memberikannya lagi pada saya, dan berlalu. Such a hero! :D

Lama waktu berselang setelah itu, kehidupan rupanya membawa saya lebih dekat lagi dengan dia. Kami tergabung dalam satu kelas, duduk pada meja yang bersebelahan, memiliki nomer absen yang jaraknya dekat (dia absen 26, saya absen 28) dan lain sebagainya. Lalu, kehidupan menawarkan kesempatan pada kami untuk semakin dekat lagi lewat taruhan ranking di kelas dengan imbalan mentraktir jenang madura jika saya menang, atau mentraktir chenil jika dia yang menang. :D

Singkat cerita, kami bersama :)
dan pemuda itu menitipkan banyak sekali impiannya kepada saya :)
tidak hanya itu, dia juga yang membantu saya mengoreksi diri menjadi sosok yang lebih baik dari hari ke hari :)
Memikirkan dia selalu penuh senyuman :)
dan besok, pemuda itu akan bertambah umur menjadi 22 tahun :)
usia yang matang dan produktif :)
terlalu banyak doa saya untuknya, tapi yang pasti, saya hanya ingin dia selalu bahagia, selalu baik-baik saja, selalu sehat :)

Selamat ulang tahun, pemudaku yang kini telah bertransformasi menjadi lelakiku :)
I love you, Panji Witoko :)

So sorry for my picture :D


Life is a Choice

Well, this is a second time a blog this. Just now I type the content and it was just gone. Oh my God!
So I just start to type this again. Hopefully it will not dissapear again. :)

Life is a choice. Sure, it is!

Just now life offers me an opportunity to go to Semarang to attend my aunty surprise party. In the same time, my young brother also needs me to help him study English to face national exam.

It is such a difficult choice. The chance to go to Semarang offers me a visit to Semarang water boom, go to the resort and stay there for a night, chats with my big fams till the morning come and so on and so on.

However, I seldom stay at home due to the my college stuff that forced me to stay in Malang. The time I have with my family, I don't think it has a good quality.

I try to say 'OK! I'll go to Semarang' to myself, but I don't feel please.
I try to say 'Fine, Let's just go home' and I don't feel happy either.

Then, after a-confusing-conversation with my beloved Mom, I made up my mind.
I'll go home, instead of having a trip to Semarang.
I'll have a great quality time with my fam, I'll help my brother to study English, I'll go to my grandma house, I'll go shopping, I'll meet my bestfriends. Well, there are so many fun things to do even I don't go there. :)

Hopefully this is not a wrong choice :)

Life gives me options, I choose, and I'm ready with the consequences :))

fiuhh! *what a relief*


The Art of Doing Assignment in the Day before the Deadline

Well, now I'm in the progress of doing my mid-term project to make a-1500-words-essay. It feels like 'Oh God! I'm stuck! i don't want to do this'. Phew! But I have to :'(
Actually I've tried to do it from two weeks ago, but I don't know, I just like do not have any idea to arrange my sources into a unite paragraph T.T

And now, 18 hours before the dateline, I force my self to do the assignment but I just simply cannot get focus. Yes, I'm blogging, yes I'm facebook-ing, yes I check twitter timeline and so on and so on. What a teenage life.

It seems like I need many people to pray for me to make me focus doing my assignment *okey I just exaggerated*

Hope I can publish my assignment as soon as possible. Amen.


A Brief Review of Kimi Ni Todoke (From Me to You)

Well, here I’ll give you a little review about a Japanese movie I just watched. The title is Kimi Ni Todoke (From Me to You). Actually I’m not usually watching Japanese or others Asian movie. However, I’m in love with two of the main characters when I’m accidentally peek on my friends laptop.

This movie is taken from a manga with the same title, Kimi Ni Todoke. The main characters here are Kuronoma and Kazehaya. Kuronoma is a girl which is really kind but naïve. She is a very nice girl who always wants to help people from the back.. She even called as Sadako (the popular ghost in Japan) because of her long hair and her attitude which her head is always looked down. On the other hand, Kazehaya is a boy who is very popular in the school because he is really fun and nice. He loves to smile and laugh. Well, maybe we can say that he is charming

This is a simple love story, about Kuronoma and Kazehaya which are love each other but have to struggle to finally get along and going steady. The rumor that is spread by a girl who love Kazehaya almost make them cannot get along well. Furhermore, this is kind of simple story so as I expected, in the end both of them can make it happen.

This movie not only offers a love story between Kuronoma and Kazehawa, but also about friendship and a really good relationship between the students and teacher.

I’m not typically a person who cries over a movie, it’s rare for me. However, when I watched this movie, I can barely stop crying because the friendship scenes movie is really touching. :'(

Over all, I like this movie except the ending. This is because even though the ending is really happy, I think the scene needs to be explored more. this is a few dialog in the end of the movie.

Kuronoma: “I love you”
Kazehawa: “Me too. I always love you. This is like a dream. Finally I can have you. I’m very grateful we are together in this New Year eve. Hopefully we will always like this.
Kuronoma: (nod nod)
Kuronoma and Kazehawa: (laugh)
-  THE END -

Well, maybe this is because of the Japanese culture. But I cannot feel the joy of their love yet.However, for me this movie si worth to be watched. So, happy watching guys. :)

Correct me if I'm wrong :)