Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts


Yudisium, Kahlil Gibran, dan Lagu Dangdut

Seperti yang saya ceritakan sebelumnya, I've been graduated. 
Meskipun belum wisuda pake toga, tapi sudah wisuda fakultas (yudisium).

Ada beberapa hal yang mengesankan waktu acara yudisium kemarin.
Yang pertama, puisi Kahlil Gibran yang dibacakan sama dekan sastra.

Anak-anakmu bukanlah anak-anakmu
Mereka adalah anak-anak kehidupan yang rindu akan dirinya sendiri
Mereka terlahir melalui engkau tapi bukan darimu
Meskipun mereka ada bersamamu tapi mereka bukan milikmu

Pada mereka engkau dapat memberikan cintamu, tapi bukan pikiranmu
Karena mereka memiliki pikiran mereka sendiri

Engkau bisa merumahkan tubuh-tubuh tapi bukan jiwa mereka,
Karena jiwa-jiwa itu tinggal di rumah hari esok, yang tak pernah dapat engkau kunjungi meskipun dalam mimpi

Engkau bisa menjadi seperti mereka, tapi jangan coba menjadikan mereka sepertimu
Karena hidup tidak berjalan mundur dan tidak pula berada di masa lalu

Engkau adalah busur-busur tempat anak-anakmu menjadi anak-anak panah yang hidup diluncurkan

Sang pemanah telah membidik arah keabadian, dan ia meregangkanmu dengan kekuatannya sehingga anak-anak panah itu dapat meluncur dengan cepat dan jauh

Jadikanlah tarikan tangan sang pemanah itu sebagai kegembiraan
Sebab ketika ia mencintai anak-anak panah yang terbang, maka ia juga mencintai busur yang telah diluncurkannya dengan sepenuh kekuatan.

- Kahlil Gibran
Mengenaaa banget puisi Kahlil Gibran ini.

My dean was gorgeous, tau mahasiswanya udah sendu membik-membik, eh Beliaunya nyanyi dangdut full action, judulnya "Gala-Gala" hahahahaa.
Sir, you're so adorableeee!

Fakultas Sastra UM itu emang deh ya, paling mbooooooiiiiiiiis!


Jaman Extra Kepo Kuadrat

Pagi ini ngecek twitter dan ada twit dari Dynni yang bikin inget masa lalu.
Jadi pernah nih pas jamannya lagi kepo banget, bukan deh, extra kepo kuadrat, kita nangis2 ga ngebolehin kakak tingkat kita pacaran sama adek tingkat. Apa banget coba -_-

Pertama kenal semua tokoh dalam ke-kepoan itu gara gara kita sama sama ikut OSIS. Duh malu banget nih sebenernya diceritain, tapi yaudalah, biar jadi memento di masa tua #tsaah.

Waktu itu kita kelas dua. Emm, lagi baru naik kelas gitu sih. Lagi happening banget anak kelas 1 SMA yang baru masuk. Kita lumayan terkenal tuh kayaknya waktu itu. Soalnya kita yang pegang MOSnya anak kelas 1. Nah, tersangka utama di sini adalah ketua OSISnya. Let's say he had a crush with a new girl. Ga masalah sih ya sebenernya. Tapi bagi kita (saya, dynni, getha) mas ketua OSIS (Ketos )ini deserve someone better than her. 

Yang salah si getha ini kayaknya. Dia yang ngompor2in gitu dulu, soalnya si getha ini dulu kakak kelasnya si anak yang jadi crush'ny mas Ketos waktu masih di SMP. Nah, berbekal cerita random dari getha itu, kita ngambek deh ke mas Ketos.

And you know what? Yang paling menjijikkan adalah suatu kali kita pernah kumpul berlima di SO (Sekretariat OSIS) buat bahas 'betapa tidak pantasnya mas Ketos jadian sama adek kelas dan don't try to going out with her or we'll hate you'. Kepo banget kan?
masih inget banget dulu yang ada di ruangan itu cuma saya, dynni, getha, Mas Ketos sama Mas Ian. 

Kita marah-marah banget deh waktu itu, kita jelek-jelekin si adek baru itu. Sampe nangis lho. SAMPE NANGIS!!!! Gila emang. Ababil tingkat dewa. Satu-satunya yang masih waras cuma Mas Ian. Mas Ketos akhirnya keluar dari ruangan sambil banting pintu. Dan Mas Ian yang nenangin kita. Kita duduk di samping mas Ian gitu, nyender, di belai-belai, di omongin baik-baik kalo kita uda salah neken mas Ketos kayak gitu. Berasa adek kakak yang keluar dari rahim yang sama deh pokoknya.

Sumpah malu sendiri kalo inget jaman dulu. Cuma denger dari satu mulut aja uda berani kayak gitu. Padahal kita dulu belom kenal secara deket sama adek kelas itu. *sigh*
Dan akhirnya, kita malah jadi deket sama si adek kelas gara gara dia ikutan OSIS juga.
Hmmmm. What a life ya?

Segila apapun jaman itu, setidaknya saya masih bisa ketawa kalo inget yang dulu dulu :D
Maafin ye mas Ketos :))
Can hold my smile, you know ;)



I've been trying to be positive thinking. And at last I feel like I have been succeeded. BUT this night I just feel like there is NO NEED to be positive thinking.

Then, one of my besties called me. And I was just like bursting about many things that crossed my mind. About him, about having two cell phone, about marriage, about egoistic, graduation day, and many things.

She is the one that always can calm me down with her own way which is absolutely different with myself. And I just crying listening her giving  me many advises. Because deep down inside, I know that she was right, that what she said is really make sense.

And now I feel like worried :(
It was terrible that I cannot tell what is crossing my mind :(
Waiting for the time when I can meet him, or at least can HE read this post.
*the first possibility is 1000000000000% bigger than the second one


The Pressure and The Joy for being a YOUTH

Well, I'm in the very end of sixth semester.
There are soooooooo many assignmentsss, final projects, presentations and so on which are waiting for me to be taken care -_____________-

Let me have a list of that stuff:

  • Cross Cultural Understanding: final project is in progress, its 10% done, due date will be on April 30, 2012
  • Basic Poetry Studies: there will be final exam in the form of analyzing poem. seems like the due date will be on May 14, 2012
  • Basic Analysis of Drama: there will be drama performance on May 7, 2012. And I'm not memorized the script yet
  • Thesis Proposal Seminar: the thesis proposal has to be submitted on the May 10, 2012. still 5% done
  • Syntax: the final exam will be on May 15, 2012
  • Classroom management: the final paper have to be submitted on May 1, 2012
  • Languange Assessment Development: there are still like 100 questions need to be created. The due is on  May 15, 2012
  • Coursebook Evaluation: the final paper+presentation are 90% done. the due date will be on May (dont know the absolute date)
  • English for Spesific Purposes: ga jelas
  • Filsafat Ilmu Budaya: hope there will be no final exam :(
  • Gender and ELT: don't know yet what will be happened 

Yes! Those things are pressuring me lately. And it's will be happened until the very date of May 15, I suppose.

But, let's just struggle to survive! Even my life is on shuffle, even this acnes is soo annoying (lhoh?)
Ok ok. Seems like I'm blubbering :D

Accidentaly remember a nice thing :D
There is a (what is it called?!) let's say a small wall builded up with the identity of my faculty on it.
The front side is written "Fakultas Sastra", and in the back side written "Cerita Segala Rasa".
It is sooo nice and I've taken picture there! *giggles*
Here is my pictures with some of my college friends :)

Nice, yes? :D


This is for him, even he will never read it

When I was in Senior High School, I have some best friends (yes, those who the photos just uploaded).
I was soo happy having them in my life. It was a strong friendship. It was tied up with laugh and tears. It was perfect. Everybody could be whatever they wanted to be. They could be them selves.

I always miss many things left behind.

However, time flies, people change. Yes. people change much!
We just busy with our self gradually. We just cannot handle to meet each other in a period of time.
It was sad. Sometimes I feel so bad.

Then now, one of them, people who I love so deeply with my heart, state that he does not want to be with us again. That he just want to get away from us.

Hey Mr. Perfect! You freakingly do not need to do that!
Don't you see that we rarely meet each other? Don't you see that we seldom text each other just to say 'hello'? Why you being so sensitive? We do not even talk about you when you were not around. There is no need to talk about your weaknees or bad things about others, when we just rarely can laugh together.

Oh, My! I hate you while I miss you as well!
Missing time when we laughed, missing when got a bad quarrel, missing when we cried after a long story we had.

Would you please to come back, pal?
I do not care about your life, but just come back. Just came back :((


Something Called Friendship

As you know, in the very beginning of April, we have a long holiday. It was from April 6-8 :D
I was sooo interesting 'cause I have a plan to hang out with my besties :))
Thanks a lot to Bejo who has treated us to have free dinnner and sings in Inul Vista :)
You know, almost every single thing which related to close friends and somethings for free is always fun. And it was indeed fun!

edisi lengkap peserta makan gratis 

f3, mali, riho, gethuk, bejo, duwik, mamam, me :)

We planned to meet at Es Teller 77 in my hown town at 6.30 pm. Unfortunately, my friends did not have a good sense of being in/on time so that, as you all can guess, they just came very late (including me)! :D
When I arrived there, it was 6.45 if I'm not mistaken, and you know what, in that reserved-tables, there was just Bejo alone! -___________-

the girls, minus duwik

My friends started to gather around 7 pm. And all of the guests finally came at 7.30 pm. Oh, My!
I do not want to generalize or something like that, but that was really too much! What a jam karet, huh!

girls, minus nhox 
 It was really fun! We have a dinner 'till almost 9 pm. We really had quality time, even it did not personally having a good quality. We could laugh together , at least. And I'm happy :)

duwik should wear red costume as well, i guess :D

You need to know, friends, that I love you, that you are an important part of my live :)) :*