There are soooooooo many assignmentsss, final projects, presentations and so on which are waiting for me to be taken care -_____________-
Let me have a list of that stuff:
- Cross Cultural Understanding: final project is in progress, its 10% done, due date will be on April 30, 2012
- Basic Poetry Studies: there will be final exam in the form of analyzing poem. seems like the due date will be on May 14, 2012
- Basic Analysis of Drama: there will be drama performance on May 7, 2012. And I'm not memorized the script yet
- Thesis Proposal Seminar: the thesis proposal has to be submitted on the May 10, 2012. still 5% done
- Syntax: the final exam will be on May 15, 2012
- Classroom management: the final paper have to be submitted on May 1, 2012
- Languange Assessment Development: there are still like 100 questions need to be created. The due is on May 15, 2012
- Coursebook Evaluation: the final paper+presentation are 90% done. the due date will be on May (dont know the absolute date)
- English for Spesific Purposes: ga jelas
- Filsafat Ilmu Budaya: hope there will be no final exam :(
- Gender and ELT: don't know yet what will be happened
Yes! Those things are pressuring me lately. And it's will be happened until the very date of May 15, I suppose.
But, let's just struggle to survive! Even my life is on shuffle, even this acnes is soo annoying (lhoh?)
Ok ok. Seems like I'm blubbering :D
Accidentaly remember a nice thing :D
There is a (what is it called?!) let's say a small wall builded up with the identity of my faculty on it.
The front side is written "Fakultas Sastra", and in the back side written "Cerita Segala Rasa".
It is sooo nice and I've taken picture there! *giggles*
Here is my pictures with some of my college friends :)
Here is my pictures with some of my college friends :)
Nice, yes? :D